Monday, November 4, 2013

Four Easy Tricks to Keep You Smiling Until Spring

               Daylight savings just ended and the sunlight fades before most of us get home from work.  Ug.  Our bodies start craving an old-fashioned hibernation.  We must fight the temptation to hole-up.  Even though there are many reasons to love winter, and I do, many of us suffer in the darkness.  Doctors call this SAD (seasonal affective disorder) and might prescribe light therapy, vitamin D supplements or even Happy Meds.  But I have a much simpler solution:  Before you start looking for a cave to curl up into for the next four months, try these simple ideas to tone-up and flex your happy muscles.

        1.   Spend time with people and laugh.  Really loud and hard.  ‘Til your stomach hurts.  Make up a reason to celebrate and invite your friends to coffee or happy hour.  Maybe one of your friends is having a half-birthday – make him/her wear a tacky crown.  Somebody broke an arm?  Have a cast-signing party with multi-colored sharpies.  In the winter we are drawn to our comfy sofas and fuzzy slippers, but what we really need is to be part of the real world and enjoy the company of others.  (Social Media does NOT count!)

       2.   Make somebody else happy.  Bring flowers or chocolate to a co-worker.  Make cupcakes for a neighbor.  Send a card to a long-lost friend or relative.  Making others happy brings a warm feeling to our innards and we glow, too.

       3.   Crank the tunes!  Loud, happy music is a tonic for the soul.  Whether you prefer oldies that take you down memory lane or the electronic bounce of Top 40, turn it up until the windows shake and sing and dance along.  Blaring music isn’t always possible at home with homework and conversations and all, but as soon as I get into my car I crank my favorite bands and scream until my voice is hoarse.  I can tell you one thing – I always come home smiling.

       4.  Get outside and MOVE!  I don’t care how many layers of clothes you need to pile on to stay warm.  Put on a hat and gloves and go OUT for a walk or a run (leave the treadmill idle – get OUTSIDE).  Let the wind blow in your face while you stride along.  Say hello to every person you pass - and dog, for that matter.  Notice the sway of the trees and the sound of the leaves, gravel or snow crunching beneath your feet.  Breathe in that crisp cold air laced with a hint of chimney smoke, then blow your steaming breath out like a dragon.  Feeling alive is the best way to Feel Alive, so get that body moving and embrace the elements.

Sure, winter can be a nice time to cuddle up to the fireplace and enjoy a quiet book.  Relish those pleasures, too.  Just don’t let that snuggle turn into a weeks-long hibernation or you’re likely to end up a grumpy ol’ bear before spring arrives.

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