Monday, November 11, 2013

Abby Normal


I’m afraid that there is something wrong with me, because I can honestly say that I have never met someone and thought to myself, “Oh my GAWD, how could she go out of the house with her PORES revealed for the world to SEE??”  The media and countless advertisements tell us that allowing your skin to actually look like human skin with pores should bring shame upon you and make people wince at the sight of your face, or send them running for cover.

            Never mind that the human body is covered with pores that have the very important function of regulating body temperature.  We get hot, our pores allow our skin to sweat, and when the sweat evaporates our bodies are cooled to a healthy and comfortable temperature.  This is a very efficient way to cool off.  But if the cosmetic companies had their way and these imperfections in our skin did NOT exist, then we would either die from heat stroke or have to cool ourselves like the dogs (because they can’t sweat from their pores) and pant with our tongues hanging below our chin to transpire the heat and moisture.  Don’t get me wrong, I love dogs.  But I’m pretty sure people would find stinky-hot dog-breath more offensive than a few tiny-yet-visible openings in the skin on our faces.

            More evidence that I am abnormal is that I think grey hair is beautiful.  Men have always sported the salt-and-pepper look and been praised for it, but women rarely embrace the elegant look of maturity.  At my grocery store there is an entire aisle devoted to coloring products designed hide that beautiful and hard-earned sparkle of grey.  Advertisements scream that in NO WAY whatsoever do we want our hair to give away the age that we ACTUALLY are.  I guess it is practically criminal that my hair reflects how many years I have been alive.  I should be ashamed. 

            But I’m not.


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