Thursday, August 18, 2016

Tina Fey - Schmeena Fey

The young Tina
It cracks me up when I see that “inspirational” list of folks who are now famous yet had humble beginnings.  The point of it, I think, is that you, too, can be rich and famous - just follow your dreams, work hard and soon you will be lifted to the heights of wealth and celebrity.  You may recognize it: the list usually starts with the statement, “At age 23, Tina Fey worked at a YMCA.”  And then goes on to list well-known, successful personalities and how they started out.

Well, here I am at the age of…well…let’s just say I’m more than double the age of that wide-eyed Tina Fey and just recently landed a full-time position at our local YMCA — and it is my DREAM job!  I will be co-coordinating the youth running programs for the county, which I have been doing part-time for the last two years.  I can’t think of anything I’d rather do.  You see, my professional background is in elementary education and my favorite pass-time and social outlet is running.  Although I am passionate about working for and with children, I found the bureaucracy and stress in the education system stifling as a family member and partner (my husband being a dedicated educator - one of us has to stay sane for the kids).  And I’m simply not fast or talented enough to make a profession out of training for and running races.

Never had I imagined, when I was a young and inexperienced 23 year-old, that there was a job description that included running, inspiring young people to love running and nature, educating girls to love themselves the way they are, promoting healthy habits, sharing an office with like-minded and fun people, and working for an organization that puts the well-being of our community above all else.  Yep, dream job.

I work with so many cause-driven, passionate people who would give you their own lunch if you were hungry.  In fact, I’ve seen them do it.  Our CEO was a grand success in the grocery business before retiring early. He was lured out of retirement by the Y values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility. He found the cause-driven philosophy so compelling that he now works in a 100-year old building that offers showers to the homeless and scholarships for children’s swim lessons to struggling families, among many other wonderful things.

Yes, I am fortunate.  I have a stable family life with a professional spouse and have very few worries.  We live within our means - call us simple if you will, but we don’t need a whole lot. 

Working a modest job doesn’t always mean you have failed, or that you have settled for something less.  Sometimes it means that you have simply found your place in the world. You see, not all people measure their life’s success by dollars or name recognition.  There are folks that don't aspire to have their name in lights or to own multiple vacation homes. There are plenty of folks out there who wouldn’t give up their modest jobs for all the luxuries and privilege that Tina Fey and her cohorts have, because they know they are making a difference in their own, small world.  I know, because I work with a big bunch of them.  And I’ll bet you wouldn’t recognize a single one of their names.
My very first live concert was The Village People.
Do you think that was an omen?
Everybody sing it now, "Y-M-C-A!"

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