Sunday, December 14, 2014

Happiness Equation

“Yeah, yeah,” I hear you say. “Another person with a recipe for joy….whatever.”

Yep, there are a gazillion and a half of these floating around the universe.  I even bought the book that made happiness a whole, darned project.  Just bear with me because this equation is simple, do-able and I DARE you (double-dare, even) to argue against it.  

This equation is a simple pick-me-up to lift you out of the daily doldrums.  It won't change your world unless you decide make it a habit.

First of all, let me introduce you to the factors in this equation:

Company – as in good company, like companion.  Your chosen companion can have two or four legs, but it cannot be virtual – he or she must be a living, breathing being that you can touch at that moment (not on a screen or hand-held device).  And I mean GOOD company.  Not somebody who picks away at your possible flaws or rants about the universe incessantly.  This being must be somebody who lifts your spirits, makes you think interesting thoughts and generally brings a smile to your face.  Leave the negative, energy sucking folks at home.  (no negative side effects noted)

Fresh Air – who can argue with that?  No matter how cold, or hot, there is nothing like sucking real live outside air into your lung sacks.  If you live in a place where FRESH air is scarce (and instead the air you breathe is full of nasty particulates) then you need to search around until you find some – I’d recommend green, mountainous areas or a breezy shore.  (side effects might include oxygenated blood that leads to clearer thinking)

Exercise – simply put, just move some muscles and increase your body’s need for oxygen by a smidge.  A walk is the best example.  Just walk out your front door and walk around the block.  This alone is guaranteed to bring a fresh outlook on a previously unremarkable day.  If you don’t believe me, then I’ll prove it (actually, you will).  Right now this very minute I want you to walk out your front door and walk down the street.  I don’t care if it is dark, raining, frigid or scorching hot.  Just do it……….Now, you can’t tell me that you don’t feel refreshed, re-booted and ready to move forward.  You can’t deny that you feel better now than before you went out.  (side effects include getting stronger over time and increased stamina in all activities)

Each of these factors on their own is likely to raise your mood a notch when taken alone.  However, when put together into an equation they exponentially raise the Happiness Quotient.  That is why I am hesitant to say “this PLUS that PLUS the other thing EQUAL happiness,” because that isn’t really true.  The equation really is more about multiplication.  Put these three factors together and they multiply the effects of each other and the result is all good stuff.  Confused?  Just stop thinking and try it.  NOW!
Grab a friend or two (or dog or family member), put on a jacket or whatever it takes to get you outside and go for a walk, run, bike ride or hike.  Upon your return, just try and argue against the notion that you feel better, both mentally and physically, than you did before you left.  It had better be a strong argument with plenty of evidence, or your own personal recipe that brings this kind of joy to your life instead, otherwise I’m gonna call hog wash on you.

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