Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Dark Side of Dog People

I would say that a great many of us put ourselves in one of two categories:  Dog People and Cat People.  For those of you who have lived under a rock and may not be familiar with the terms, a dog person is a human who prefers the company of dogs, and likewise for cat people.  Keep in mind that there is a whole third category that I’m not discussing, called The Crazy Cat Lady, which is in a class by itself (and unfortunately my teenage daughter secretly aspires to be one someday).

In my experience, when cat people declare themselves as a Cat Person in a conversation, they are merely stating a fact.  When dog people make the claim for their preference, however, listen carefully to the tone.  There is a definite attitude to the statement.  They say, “Well, I’m a Dog Person,” in such a way to establish their superiority.  I’m not complaining because I have probably been guilty of such an attitude myself.  Although I consider myself an Animal Person, if I had to choose between cats and dogs I would likely side with the running-barking-chewing variety.

A dog person sees the traits of loyalty, playfulness, unconditional love and devotion to humans as dog traits and superior to the cat traits of independence, a refined sense of taste and definite preferences for certain things and certain humans.

I think the superiority complex that dog people possess comes from a false assumption:  That dog people are like dogs, and cat people are like cats.  The person who prefers canines believes that they, themselves, share these superior traits with their beloved pooches and that’s what makes them Dog People, and they are therefore superior to cat people.

Dog people see themselves as Happy-Go-Lucky, just like their best friends.  There may be a small bit of truth to that, but I believe the most opinionated of these dog people like to exploit those traits that make dogs so wonderful, in fact they depend upon them.  Bear with me.

Could it really be that a dog person is actually quite insecure and feels extra needy for the unconditional love that the canine brings?  Perhaps they really need someone in their life who will follow their every order and chase the ball when thrown, sit when told to sit and beg for treats and affection.  They need that dog to follow them around so they feel important, and to wait by the front door for eight hours a day with only their human master on their mind.

            It is the cat person that is comfortable with him or herself, and is okay with a companion that comes for affection only when they really feel like sharing the love.  They appreciate the honesty when a fickle cat rejects a food they previously loved, a toy that has too much spit on it, or a scratch on the head that was too rough.  If the human is too loud or its lap is too rough or scratchy, the cat will find a more suitable place to sleep.  The cat person doesn’t need the constant attention and devotion that the dog person needs.

The dog person expects the dog to love everything about them, no matter how unlikable.  What dog people really don’t like about cats, is that you have to work for their affection.  The devotion of a cat is never guaranteed.

Think about how you choose a partner in life.  You don’t necessarily look for someone exactly like you, but someone who compliments you.  Can you imagine if we picked our spouses in the same manner that we select our pet species?  Do you really want to spend your life with someone who wants to boss, control, put you on a leash and expects you to beg for good things?  Or do you want someone who respects your independence, who enjoys your company while you’re there, earns your affection but also respects your need to be an individual?

Obviously I’m having a little fun here - just stirring the pot, so to speak.  But I do have these thoughts when I see the macho guy yanking on his dog’s leash and yelling at him to HEEL!!  (My ill-behaved labrador doesn’t know the meaning of the word.)  I can’t help but wonder, does he treat his family the same way? 

Girls are often told to pay attention to the way their boyfriends treat their own mothers to get an idea of how the boys will likely to treat their future wives.  I say you might learn more from finding out what pet he/she prefers and watching the way your mate treats his/her pets.

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