is one four letter word that gets my hackles up, believe it or not. Now, I’m no prude – I love lively
self-expression filled with colorful words.
Sometimes it takes one of those “Seven Dirty Words” that George Carlin embraced
to get the point across. Those forbidden
words can serve as a sort of punctuation, providing the perfect emphasis or
pause. In fact, I love to swear.
But this particular word, although
the meaning is benign, has the connotation of ownership or belittlement that
makes my skin crawl. At the top of my
least favorite word list is ‘wife’. Now,
I’ll admit right off that there are times when this word is appropriate when
explaining connections between people, but I think this term is incredibly
over-used and in most cases can be replaced by a more expressive word or just a
plain old name. For example, “John and
his wife are coming for dinner.” Does
John’s wife not have a name? Do you not
know her name? Learn it. Names are always better than labels.
“Is this your wife?” asked after a manly
handshake and hello. “Sorry, I’m not
owned by anyone, but we are married. My
name is Sharon.” I know, I know – a petty
complaint and a little ridiculous. No big deal.
You can say the same thing about the term “husband”. You are right. My husband, my daughter, my dog – these are
all merely explaining a relationship. Honestly,
I don’t kick and scream every time I hear the word (but you might notice my slight
convulsions when that word is thrown in my direction).
But HERE is the one use that gets
my lips-a-curling and my fangs-a-showing:
“The Wife.” As in, “The wife and I are going on vacation.” THE wife?
You can’t do better than that? I use 'the' when referring to objects. THE glass in on THE table. THE radio is on THE wrong channel. THE poop is in THE grass. Do you ever hear “THE husband” except when
someone is deliberately turning it around for a laugh? It’s almost worse than ownership, because it
rings of resignation. “This is THE
wife. I don’t claim her as mine or
anything. She’s just there. She’s like the furniture. THE lawn.
She isn’t even a she, she’s a
I may not be writing the words, but
you can bet I’m picturing all of those colorful swear words in my head right
now, just thinking about ‘THE wife’. Feel
free to join me in this visualization exercise.
Well, now that I’ve gotten that off the chest,
I’ll get the child off to school and start the day.
Happy Friday to y’all – or whatever day it is
when you read this.